The “Protect your planet” programme has been launched since 2018 by COLIBA. The NSIA Foundation is committed to facilitating a ramp-up by combining theory and practice. The aim now is not only to raise awareness among students, but some schools will benefit from a ‘box’ for the selective sorting of plastic waste. As a reminder, this educational program is based on three (3) main axes:
  1. Education in plastic materials.
  2. mpacts of uncollected plastic waste.
  3. Awareness of the power of sorting and recycling
A big thank you to the leaders of the Methodist Secondary Course of Angré (CSM) All together for a healthy school, a healthy city and a healthy country.

fondationnsia #SinvestirPourUnAvenirMeilleur #Environnement #coliba #sensibilisation #protegetaplanete

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