The worrying unemployment rate of African youth is often compared with the rapid economic growth of the continent. According to the AfDB, the unemployment rate in sub-Saharan Africa is 6%, while 6 of the 10 fastest growing economies in the world are in this region. According to the World Bank, young people account for 60% of all unemployed Africans. Young women are hardest hit. The AfDB has found that in most sub-Saharan African countries and in all of North Africa, it is easier for men than for women to obtain employment, with experience and skills equal.

NSIA Foundation like other non-profit organizations wants to intervene with local populations in order to contribute to the fight against the feminization of poverty and the economic independence of young people. Thus, a synergy of action has been advocated for the benefit of young people and women:

Building capacities for income-generating initiatives or activities;

Promoting equal access to economic resources;

Developing professional, entrepreneurial and organizational skills;

Promoting more important access to tools and means of production (land, finance, inputs …);

Improving the living conditions and livelihoods of disadvantaged populations through the promotion of Small Economic Initiatives (PIE) and Income Generating Activities (AGR).

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